Pocahontas County
West Virginia

Incorporation of Hillsboro

Transcription of Hillsboro Charter Documents, Town Charter

Name Number in Families
G.S. McNeel 6
Joseph Beard 10
Dr. C. W. Eskridge 10
A. R. Smith 5
Dr. C. P. Bryan 5
J. D. Thompson 11
Rev. D. S. Sydenstricker 6
Lanty Lockridge 1
M. Peyatt 2
James Isbell 5
N. S. Bruffy 3
George Clark 2
John Childers 6
James Weiford 8
W. H. Overhold 11
N. Stulting 3
Rolland Overhold 3
Hermanus Stulting 2
J. C. Stulting 6
H. W. Burgess 7
James A. Larue 4
S. T. Clark 10
Wallace McCoy 2

I, B. C. Hill, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid do certify that Dr. R. E. Bryan this day personally appeared before me and on his oath says that the foregoing list of citizens is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief.
Given under my hand this the 24th day of Feby 1886.
B. C. Hill, Notary Public

Incorporation of Hillsboro, West Virginia, Town Charter

A certificate under oath of N. S. Bruffy, Saml T. Clark and A. R. Smith was this day filed, showing that a majority of all the qualified voters residing in the following boundary to wit: (Beginning at a Locust tree on the lands of G. S. McNeel and running N50 E 142 chains to the residence of James Jordan, then N19 W 85 chains to a stake on the lands of Caleb A. M. Edgar, then S54 W 166 chains to a stake near a lime kiln on the land of Joseph Beard then S 36 E 88 chains to the beginning and containing 326 acres. Said boundary is situate in District No. 4 of said County and State.) have been given in did (sic) form of land in favor of the Incorporation of the village of Hillsboro in the County of Pocahontas bounded as herein set fourth and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that all the provisions of Chapter 47 of the Code of West Virginia have been complied with by the applicants aforesaid Incorporation. The said village is duly authorized within the corporate limits aforesaid to exercise alll the corporate powers conferred by the said chapter from and after the date of this certificate.

Names of Persons within the limits of the proposed Incorporation of the village of Hillsboro, voting at the School House in said Hillsboro in District No. 4 County of Pocahontas and State of West Va, this 27th day of March 1886.

1886 Map of Hillsboro
1886 Map of Hillsboro
  1. James Isbell
  2. C. W. Eskridge
  3. W. H. Overholt
  4. R. E. Bryan
  5. R. V. Hill
  6. C. P. Bryan
  7. Joseph Beard
  8. T. M Hill
  9. J. H. Weiford
  10. A. R. Smith
  11. J. D. Thompson
  12. C. J. Stulting
  13. N. S. Bruffy
  14. W. W. McCoy
  15. S. J. Clark
  16. E. J. Holt
  17. M. Peyatt
  18. Geo. W. L. Clark
  19. J. H. Clark
  20. Geo. S. McNeel
  21. D. R. Overholt
  22. Jno. H. Childers
  23. H. Stulting
  24. H. W. Burgess
  25. H. A. Overholt
  26. J. A. Larue
  27. N. Stulting

We the undersigned, who acted as commissioners of the election held at Hillsboro in District No. 4 in the County of Pocahontas on the 27th day of March 1886, do hereby certify that having been first duly sworn, we have fairly and unpartially, held the said election according to law and the results thereof is as follows:
For the Incorporation     Twenty one votes
Against Incorporation     Six votes

Given under our hands this the 27th day of March 1886.
N. S. Bruffy
Saml T. Clark
A. R. Smith Comm